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Harry "Heaphy" Martin (1920-1922) 

The late Harry "Heaphy" Martin was in reality a diminutive, chunky, erudite 140-pound center. In spite of his size, Heaphy was a main cog in contributing to Marblehead High's 1922 eleven for their unprecedented, unbeaten and unscored record. In 1922, serving under Coach Pendleton, Heaphy was elected captain of the team. 

     At the time the area press acknowledged Martin to be the finest center in the old North Shore League of which Marblehead was a member. It was the day of two-way football and Heaphy could be found at center on the offense and roving center on the defense. 

     In addition to his athletic ability, Martin was an outstanding scholar and was accepted for admission to Dartmouth College. In the '20's Dartmouth was a football powerhouse, yet Heaphy made the varsity. 

Marblehead's rare, undefeated season of 1922 can be attributed directly to Heaphy, for in that season he nailed Lynn Classical for a safety that led to an unusual post-season game with Classical for top honors in the league. The rematch ended in a tie with the two teams sharing the title. 

     In the depths of the Depression, upon graduation from Dartmouth, Heaphy worked with the youngsters of that era in the field most natural to him, recreation. The youngsters under Heaphy's wings saw nothing but the rosy side of life when the roses were few and far between in that desperate period. I was one of those youngsters. 

When the economy changed for the better, Heaphy fell into his natural calling in the field of health and welfare, supervising the communities of Concord, Bedford and Lexington. His life is no longer, but by his Zife and deeds and his impression on those who knew him, Harry "Heaphy" Martin has been admitted as one of Marblehead's finest into the Marblehead Magicians Gridiron Club Football Hall of Fame. 


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Wallace F. "Red" Snow (1922-1925) 

 It was an era when there was said to be a literal "galloping ghost" haunting the gridirons of the Big Ten, rising yp from the University of Illinois in the person of "Red" Grange. In that period, Grange's counterpart existed in Marblehead; he was Wallace F. "Red" Snow. 

     "Red" Snow was a scintillating fullback and an outstanding punter. He accumulated 19 touchdowns and totaled 114 points, playing under two coaches, Pendleton and Jones. Under Jones in 1925, Red exploded. Typical of his performance in that year, he either scored or set up a 58-0 win over Amesbury; a 26-0 victory over Watertown; and a 53-0 win over arch-rival Swampscott. 

     Snow's career after high school would do justice to a Jack London novel. Coach Marshall Shearer, one of Marblehead's most colorful short term coaches, a genuine Southerner, upon receiving his walking papers, invited Red Snow to demonstrate his football ability at Bluefield Junior College of West Virginia. Red remained in West Virginia and made All-State in that state, together with some fast company in the personage of Cliff Battles of West Virginia Wesleyan. Battles became established as one of the Boston Redskins, later Washington, and today is enshrined as one of the finest Pro halfbacks of all time. Red graduated from Salem College in West Virginia. 

     During World War II Red served in the United States Air Force as a First Lieutenant. He served with Hank Greenberg of the Detroit Tigers and together they worked on the introduction of the famous Flying Fortresses, B 29's. In Red's varied life he has served as a Youth Counsellor, Settlement House Administrator and Teacher of School Administration. Red Snow was traced from Tom's River, New Jersey to Bradenton, Florida. From that Florida base, Wallace F. "Red" Snow is being admitted to our Marblehead Magicians Grid-iron Club Hall of Fame. 


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Earnest Raymond "Mondo" Woodfin (1922-1925) 

"Mondo" Woodfin is a descendent of one of Marblehead's families of yore noted for their prowess in the fields of strenth which he aptly demonstrated on the football field. The very name "Mondo" seems to be synonomous with football. Believe it or not, in Mondo's first year of football he weighed a mere 140 pounds. His weight and ability increased as the years went on. Mondo as a collegian at Lafayette tipped the scales at 190 pounds. In 1924 - 1925 Mondo had a total of ten touchdowns for Marblehead and a passing record of six touchdowns from his halfback position. In many instances, Mondo cleared the way for the high sccres of the 1925 eleven. 

     From 1926 to 1930 Mondo matriculated at Lafayette College where he was in competition with the stock of the rugged coal mine country. At college he was an outstanding punter, averaging 60 yards per punt. He was nominated for All American in the day of two-way football. For a spell he played pro ball for the Frankfurt Yellow Jackets, forerunners of the Philadelphia Eagles of today. 

     Mondo received a distinct honor in being selected by the astute Andy Kerr to play in the famous East-West Shriners game. Kerr in later years became coach of the famous Colgate Red Raiders, a college eleven noted for being unscored upon, unbeaten, untied and uninvited to the bowls of the day. 

     Mondo had the distinction of playing in the first indoor football game in the Atlantic City Auditorium. An oddity in Mondo's career had Penn State beating Lafayette 6 - 3 after the game was over. Penn State returned a punt with a lateral, all in one motion, after time had expired. 

     Upon graduation from Lafayette, Mondo entered a post graduate course at Penn State which led to a career of 38 years as an executive of the Dixie Cup Corporation. 

     It has been said that the proverbial chicken comes home to roost. Mondo has returned where it all started, to be accepted into the Marblehead Magicians Gridiron Club Football Hall of Fame


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