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Our Mission

This mission statement was written and filed with the state of Massachusetts in 1983 by the founding members
of the club and it continues to be the foundation for the club's mission and purpose. 


"The Marblehead Magicians Gridiron Club, Inc. is a private, non-profit organization operating to assist and support all the football programs in Marblehead, MA. Membership will include all letterman of Marblehead High School Football, parents groups and concerned fans who are interested in providing the necessary equipment, facilities, and finacial support to the coaching staff and players for a successful football program.

   To engage in such fund raising activities and such community minded and spirited events for the development and furtherance of recreational programs. To specifically promote, organize, and continue the support and backing of Marblehead High School sports and particularly the football team and programs.

    To make gifts and appropriations from any or all of its resources from time to time to carry out the objectives and purposes of the association; and to exercise all such power and authority as may be necessary to carry out the purposes and objects specified herein, but the purpose and essence of this corporation, being purely charitable and philanthropic, and that none of its property, real or personal shall ever be used or expended except in carrying into effect the legitimate ends and aims of its being"

to promote the game of football in Marblehead through charitable and philanthropic means.

© Marblehead Magicians Gridiron Club, Design by Bill Gillis

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